With a syntax resembling that of Ruby, Crystal is extremely easy to read and write. The statistically type-checked configuration helps in detecting typing errors as early as possible rather than receiving a failure on runtime.
Dart by Google
Made by Google, Dart looks impressive in the race among emerging programming languages. With an optimized UI, the programming language consists of a mature and complete async-await for user interfaces containing event-driven code.
Elixir runs on the Erlang virtual machine and is created to maintain applications. With minimalistic coding style, Elixir allows a user to note down codes in a short and concise way. To increase productivity, Elixir lets the language be extended in different domains. Furthermore, Elixir is also used for web development.
Elm is quick to generate fast JavaScript codes. Elm comes with a typed interference, which helps in detecting API changes automatically. Other notable feature of Elm includes a helpful compiler and no runtime exceptions and is considered a delightful language for data visualization.
Kotlin earns a brownie point by being a programming language for Android, cross-platform and web development. The language is efficient in reducing boilerplate code and plays safe by restricting null pointers exceptions.
Sponsored by Mozilla Research, the design of Rust is similar to that of C++. However, the programming language has been made to handle memory safety, along with keeping a top-notch performance.
Named after logician Haskell Curry, the programming language is statistically typed and does not require the writing up of every type in the program. Most types are bidirectionally unified or are written by the compiler for certain documents. The flagship compiler GHC comes with a parallel garbage collector and contains several concurrency and primitives. The program has been designed to compose together, with the ability to write control constructs by noting down ordinary functions.
The programming language uses runtime polymorphism that is easy to extend in nature. Clojure emphasizes recursive iteration instead of side-effect based looping and is a hosted language that shares a JVM type system and GC.
Julia provides good support for interactive use due to its dynamically-typed configuration and has a rich language of descriptive data types. With a high-level syntax, Julia can be used by anyone from any background or experience level. Furthermore, it comes with several other features such as asynchronous IO, debugging and a package manager.
A unique feature of Scala includes the mixing up of multiple traits into class to combine their interface and behaviour. Along with these, Scala houses a concise syntax with anonymous functions.