Wednesday 28 December 2022

Our Department staffs A.Poornima, K.Suganya has  published a book on Principles of internet.


Tuesday 15 November 2022



1. AI Generation

The process of translating a picture or deriving accurate written descriptions from it. You shouldn't get too worked up since a more responsible AI (Generative AI), which is rumored to be the 2022 buzzword, would artificially translate and generate wonderful content (video, text, or audio) for you and your business. It is conceptually adept in revealing underlying patterns under the implications of RL or Reinforcement Learning algorithms.

2. Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR & VR) 

When AR and VR were originally launched approximately a decade ago, they were supposed to be game-changing technological innovations. Unfortunately, we are still a long way from seeing this futuristic technology in widespread use. Currently, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are largely employed in education and training (presentation), gaming, and entertainment, among other things.AR, or Augmented Reality, is the incorporation of real-world things into the digital environment for improved information transmission via text, visuals, audio, and other virtual upgrades. 

3. Datafication

All of these patterns rely heavily on data. Because of our world's digitalization, we now have tremendous volumes of data available, and data has now become the number one commercial asset for every enterprise. We may utilize data to better understand our consumers, identify critical patterns, and get insight into what works within our companies.

4. Voice Recognition Technology

We've seen advancements in speech innovation in the past, such as Sire, Alexa, and others, but they've consistently fallen short of human standards – or even been usable in everyday life. Voice might be a unique and free-flowing medium that is not easily converted into digital innovation. Voice commands and voice companions will become increasingly important in our daily lives shortly, blurring the barrier between human advancements.

5. Metaverse

The name change of Facebook to Meta(opens in a new tab) has focused attention on the metaverse, which has been defined as the next stage in social networking. The metaverse is a three-layered virtual domain where clients might sign in as symbols to collaborate, work, shop, participate, or play games.Organizations are putting resources into state of the art innovation like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to rejuvenate the metaverse. VR headsets, for instance, permit clients to investigate and drench themselves in the digital world while additionally sharing their experiences.



Wednesday 12 October 2022

Thursday 8 September 2022










Sunday 28 August 2022



PG & Research Department of Computer Science

Students  Got  Shortlisted  for  Grand  Finale  of  Smart India Hackathon 2022 at Sikkim  Manipal  Institute  of  Technology, Rangpo, Sikkim on 25.08.2022 and 26.08.2022

Monday 15 August 2022

Our Department Student Ms.Nari Afraid Kulsoom of I B.Sc CS on First place in Poster presentation.She received the prize in Independence day.

Thursday 14 July 2022


1.      Our Department PG Students are selected in “Smart India Hackthon 2022” on 14.7.2022.






S.Ayesha Siddiqua


















Monday 13 June 2022


Block Chain

Block chain is the best developing innovation of tomorrow. It could be a decentralized computerized record that stores exchanges on thousands of computers around the globe.

They are enrolled in a way that hinders their consequent alteration. Block chain innovation increments security and speeds up the exchange of data in a way that’s cost-effective and more straightforward. It also apportions with third parties whose primary part was to supply a component of belief and certification in exchanges.

Huge enterprises are primarily looking at three Block chain stages to develop top-level trade solutions. The request for engineers of block chain is on the rise.


Sunday 1 May 2022


                                          I Msc computer Science

Friday 22 April 2022

 PG & Research Department of Computer Science and PG Department of Computer Application  organizes Seminar & Workshop on "WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT &WEB PAGE CREATION"

DATE : 12.04.2022

Resource Person:

                       Workshop Trainers
                        1.  Mr.R.Aruna kumar
                          Associate,Web Development
                        2. Mr.Nirmal Kumar
                          Associate,Web Development


Friday 18 March 2022

cloud real time applications


Examples of Cloud Computing Use in Chatbots


Gathering user’s personal information requires a platform with large storage capacity. Facebook’s data warehouse Hive alone stores 300 petabytes of data. Well, you need a large storage capacity to store huge amounts of data. Data storage has been one of the examples of cloud computing uses for people.

Thus, examples of cloud computing use can be found in chatbots. One of the primary purposes of chatbots is to gather information from people. This is so that people could have a better user experience in using an application or program.



Chatbots are virtual assistants anyway. It is their job to know your preferences so they could serve you well.

When you ask your Siri or Amazon Alexa to play a song, they will take note of it. You might get surprised when your apps started to suggest other songs of the same genre.

To store huge amounts of people’s information, these chatbots use cloud computing.


Examples of Cloud Computing Use in Social Media



There are diverse examples of cloud computing. It just makes you think about what is cloud computing. You might get surprised to find out that social media are also cloud platforms. They qualify to be included in the examples of cloud computing uses.


Well, yes! Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace also uses cloud computing. Just imagine how many words or photos are posted in these platforms every day. In fact, there are 5,787 tweets posted on Twitter every minute. That’s 500 million tweets each day!


So, what is cloud computing use in these social media platforms? They help this platform store huge amounts of data. The traffic within these sites is incredibly heavy. But, cloud computing helps them handle this traffic.





Friday 4 February 2022


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate humans actions interacting with digital systems and software. Just like people, software robots can do things like understand what’s on a screen, complete the right keystrokes, navigate systems, identify and extract data, and perform a wide range of defined actions. But software robots can do it faster and more consistently than people, without the need to get up and stretch or take a coffee break.


What are the business benefits of RPA?


Robotic process automation streamlines workflows, which makes organizations more profitable, flexible, and responsive. It also increases employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity by removing mundane tasks from their workdays.

RPA is noninvasive and can be rapidly implemented to accelerate digital transformation. And it’s ideal for automating workflows that involve legacy systems that lack APIs, virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs), or database access

Where can RPA be used?

Today, RPA is driving new efficiencies and freeing people from repetitive tedium across a broad swath of industries and processes. Enterprises in industries ranging from financial services to healthcare to manufacturing to the public sector to retail and far beyond have implemented RPA in areas as diverse as finance, compliance, legal, customer service, operations, and IT. And that’s just for starters. 

RPA has become so widespread because it is broadly applicable. Virtually any high-volume, business-rules-driven, repeatable process is a great candidate for automation—and increasingly so are cognitive processes that require higher-order AI skills.



What features and capabilities are important in RPA technology?

To build and manage an enterprise-wide RPA program, you need technology that can go far beyond simply helping you automate a single process.

You require a platform that can help you create and manage a new enterprise-wide capability and help you become a fully automated enterprise™. Your RPA technology must support you end-to-end, from discovering great automation opportunities everywhere, to quickly building high-performing robots, to managing thousands of automated workflows.



Monday 3 January 2022

                                                                     J. SPARSHAVI

                                                                    III B.SC(CS) 'B'